Signs a Herniated Disc is Healing | Dr. Levi

Is Your Herniated Disc Improving? What to Know

Recovery from a herniated disc can be a lengthy process, as it happens in gradual stages. Recognizing the signs of improvement can offer reassurance and motivation along the way, and help you make well-informed decisions about your treatment.

Here’s what you need to know about the signs that your herniated disc is healing and how to support your recovery!

Factors Influencing Your Herniated Disc Recovery

Herniated disc recovery can vary significantly from person to person. Key factors that play a role in the recovery process include:

1. Severity of the Neural Irritation or Compression

The more irritated the involved nerves are, the more symptoms the patient may experience, such as pain, hunched or rotated back/torso, numbness, and paresthesia. These symptoms can sometimes prolong recovery time. Fortunately, patients under our care who are diagnosed with herniated, ruptured, protruded, or bulged discs mostly respond well and improve without invasive procedures like surgery.

2. Location of the Herniation

Herniated discs can occur in different parts of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar), with each location having its own set of symptoms and treatment approaches. In our offices, we specialize in treating herniated discs in all regions of the spine.

3. Age and Health

As with many conditions, those in good overall health tend to recover more quickly. Although younger individuals have a quicker healing process, the severity of their disc bulge-protrusion may be more due to better-hydrated discs. Conditions like diabetes or obesity can complicate the recovery and healing process.

4. Lifestyle and Habits

Lifestyle habits such as smoking, poor diet, or lack of flexibility, stretching, and exercise can negatively impact recovery time.

5. Activity Level

Gentle exercises and physical therapy as tolerated — within your doctor’s recommendations — can help strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, promoting faster recovery.

6. Adherence to Treatment Plan

Following your prescribed treatment plan, including attending physical therapy sessions and taking medications as directed, is essential for optimal recovery.

7. Mental and Emotional Health

Stress and anxiety can exacerbate pain and slow down recovery time. It’s important to maintain a positive outlook during recovery, as best you can.

Typical Herniated Disc Recovery Timeline

At Levi Chiropractic, we specialize in treating patients suffering from herniated discs through chiropractic care and physiotherapy administered in-office.

While the recovery timeline for a herniated disc will vary based on the circumstances listed above, here is a general timeline of what to expect during the herniated disc recovery process while receiving care from Dr. Levi.

Acute Stage

Pain is typically most severe during this stage, with muscle spasms, stiffness, and limited mobility. The goal in this period is to reduce pain and inflammation and protect against further injury. During this stage, we recommend seeking care and getting evaluated by Dr. Levi, resting, and avoiding lifting, prolonged sitting/standing, and strenuous activities.

Subacute Stage

As pain and inflammation begin to lessen, light stretches could be introduced as directed by Dr. Levi to restore mobility and strength.

Rehabilitation (Months 2-6)

This phase focuses on restoring function and range of motion. Physical therapy may be intensified to strengthen muscles supporting the spine and improve overall conditioning. Low-impact aerobic exercises like swimming or cycling can also be introduced in this stage under the direction of Dr. Levi.


In this stage, there is typically less pain and restored mobility and function. Dr. Levi will recommend doing maintenance exercises to keep the spine healthy and request periodic check-ins. Most people will be able to return to regular activities, though caution is recommended to avoid re-injury.

How Long Does a Herniated Disc Take to Heal?

For mild to moderate herniations, the typical recovery time ranges from 3 to 6 months. Many people will see significant improvement with regular stretching, exercise protocols, and lifestyle modifications.

Severe herniations may require a longer recovery period, often taking 6 to 12 months or more. These cases might necessitate longer courses of care and treatments.

Signs a Herniated Disc is Healing

While recovery from a herniated disc can be a lengthy and challenging process, there will be clear signs that you’re on the path to healing, including:

  • Reduced pain, especially when moving or sitting
  • Reduced radiculopathy (radiating pain, numbness, paresthesia, and cramping in the extremities)
  • Improved mobility, with movements like bending and twisting becoming easier
  • Decreased numbness and tingling in arms and legs
  • Improved strength in affected areas of the body
  • Better sleep, and waking up feeling more rested
  • Less reliance on medication for pain relief and muscle relaxation

Herniated Disc Treatment Options

Selecting the right treatment plan for a herniated disc will depend on the severity of the herniation, symptoms, and one’s overall health. It’s best to consult with a professional to develop a personalized treatment plan. Non-surgical treatments are the method of choice in our office, and we have had remarkable success in treating disc herniation and its offshoot symptoms. Dr. Levi has had 33 years of experience and success in treating these and all musculoskeletal conditions without drugs or surgery.

Herniated Disc Treatment in Maryland

Suffering from a herniated disc? Chiropractic treatment can significantly reduce pain and bring your body back to life! Schedule an evaluation with Dr. Levi to explore how we can help.