The shoulder is the most movable joint and one of the most fragile joints in the body. It is this flexibility that enables your arms to be as useful as they are . By moving the arms into a wide variety of positions, the shoulder joint is able to multiply the arm’s usefulness many times. In fact it is the very flexibility of the shoulder that makes it so prone to both sudden injury and chronic wear and tear. A shoulder injury can happen to anyone at any age. Often the pain can be experienced in the arm, hand, neck, chest, back in addition to the shoulder. Also, problems with internal organs such as the heart and gall bladder can present with shoulder pain. Therefore, all shoulder pain should be properly examined and a diagnosis should be made. When one is stricken with shoulder pain the most natural reaction to the pain would be to keep the shoulder immobilized. This could result in an almost total loss of your ability to move the shoulder at all.
Even though shoulder rehabilitation is one of the more difficult parts of the body, fortunately, our approach of shoulder care & treatment regardless of cause of shoulder pain/injury has been very effective. Because of the many components that make up the shoulder’s movement (bones, nerves, ligaments and tendons), shoulder dysfunction pain, stiffness and periods of “frozen shoulder” can be complex. Each component can present with a series of different complaints. For example, pain, burning and tingling at the shoulder neck and upper back could be the result of one diagnosis as weakness, numbness, tingling and pain with radiation to the elbow and hand could be the result of something else.
Causes of Shoulder Pain
- Irritated nerves, in the neck, may cause arm, shoulder, and hand pain with numbness, weakness and tingling.
- Repeated overuse/injury, can inflame the tissues (muscles, ligaments, nerves and tendons of the shoulder).
- Rotator cuff problems, the rotator cuff muscles connect the arm to the shoulder blade, chest, back and neck.
- Motor Vehicle Crashes
- Injuries at work or home
- Maintain correct posture for the shoulder blades and neck without slouching or slumping.
- Avoid prolonged periods of working overhead.
- Avoid heavy lifting.
- Lift and carry close to your body.
- Do not read or watch tv with your head propped up or while lying on your side.
- Sleep on your back and avoid sleeping on the sides or on the stomach.
- Maintain proper shoulder motion, as prescribed by a trained professional such as Dr. Levi.
- “Weekend athletes” remember to do warm-up exercises and stretches before embarking on an activity.